Social Inclusion

The Good Leadership has a unique expertise in the area of social inclusion. 

  • Social Inclusion is a vast area that spans the whole policy framework. Advocacy for social inclusion is paramount. It is essential that we lay the foundations to uphold human rights related to social, economic and political inclusion: disability rights; gender and sexual minorities’ rights; indigenous rights, for example.  

In terms of disability rights, accessibility is a key issue to make society more inclusive but we have a strong interest to discuss about disabilities in wider and broader terms, including focusing on issues related to political participation and ways to make the job market more inclusive and diverse.  

The issue of intersectionality is extremely important as well because different factors can compound deeply entrenched discriminatory patterns.  

From this perspective, the theme of caste discrimination is also paramount and we really want to understand its complex intricacies. 

Some of the topics/themes under this are centered on:  

  • Basics of International Human Rights Framework supporting the rights of marginalized groups 
  • Disability Rights 
  • Understanding Exclusion and Marginalization 
  • Understanding Intersectionality 
  • Caste Discrimination and the disempowerment of Dalit Citizens 

Through this area, The Good Leadership Academy will help participants answer the following questions:  

  • What is my role to create a more inclusive society? 
  • What are the key aspects of Disability Rights, including the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities  
  • What are the key provisions, nationally and internationally to ensure the rights of minority and marginalized groups? 
  • Can affirmative legislations play a big role in creating a better level playing field?  
  • What’s your take on Caste Discrimination? How to fight it?