Doing business differently

Social Business and Social Enterprises should play a key role in advancing the Agenda 2030. The sessions provide a review of the basic concepts behind them, also by sharing some best practices within and outside the region. In addition, considering the immense challenges faced by humanity, including the urgency to transition towards a Net Zero future, the private sector must play a huge role. 

The learning and expertise building sessions in this area are also related to the increasingly important area of Impact or Mission Investment that can truly make the difference to uplift people from poverty and fight climate warming.  

Some of the topics/themes under this are centered on:  

  • Understanding the foundations of social enterprises and social businesses 
  • Social enterprises and social businesses accreditation models 
  • Best emerging practices in the field of social businesses and social enterprises 
  • The Basics of Impact and Mission Investments  
  • Trends and patterns of doing business differently in the Asia Pacific 

Through this area, The Good Leadership Academy will help participants answer the following questions 

  • What is the difference between “traditional” businesses and social enterprises and social businesses?  
  • What are the key features of social enterprises and social businesses?  
  • What are the best practices in the area of social enterprises and social businesses? 
  • How to start thinking about setting up a social enterprise and social business? 
  • What are the key features of Mission and Impact Investments?  
  • How is the Mission and Impact Investment Ecosystem in the Asia Pacific?